Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day Two!

I haven't lost the challenge on the second day, I promise.  My internet connection is slow and I can't upload any images, sadly.  But, I made him---he's blue with beady eyes and a big pastel striped nose with wonky hair.  He's also not a square!  I'll post him as soon as things start speeding up around here.  It's very cold out, maybe that has something to do with the connection (frozen air-waves?).  Slow internet is sad on a cold day like this when I don't want to leave the house, but I have been listening to Elvis Costello and he is warming me up.  


X said...


Great idea - these are very, very cute! You should sell them on Etsy.

I'll be checking in to see your new creations!


Nichol Brinkman said...

Thanks so much Cindy, your encouragement is really appreciated--I think I will try to sell them on Etsy at some point.


ps My connection is still slow! Argh